Working, vacation and time-off policies

Working, vacation and time-off policies:

Working, vacation and time-off policies:

We believe that work-life balance is crucial for the well-being and productivity of our employees. That’s why we have implemented a generous annual leave policy that grants our team members 30 days of vacation time each year, in addition to public holidays.

By offering this extended vacation time, we demonstrate our commitment to prioritising the well-being and happiness of our employees. So go ahead, plan that dream trip, create lasting memories, and enjoy your well-deserved time off. Our annual leave policy is designed to support you in achieving a healthy work-life balance and ensuring that you return to work feeling refreshed, motivated, and ready to tackle new challenges.

How to apply? Inform the team during weekly meetings at least 2 weeks in advance. Mark in on your calendar.

Working hours:

We prioritise results over rigid schedules, embracing flexible working hours as long as the work is effectively completed. By trusting our employees to manage their time responsibly, we encourage autonomy, work-life balance, and foster a culture of productivity and satisfaction. 

We work in sprints of one week and we update each other during our weekly meetings on our progress.

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